It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *how thankful i am that THANKFUL is my word for this year!

    *that communication is the glue that holds a marriage together, yet, i still need to work on how that communication is delivered!

    *nothing hurts more than watching your child in pain. nothing.


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *ERs are going to take forever…they just are!

    *Houston has always been known for it’s stellar medical center. It’s even more stellar when you are putting your child’s well-being in it’s care!

    *nurses ROCK!!!


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *Little boys, no matter how old they are, love to have BOTH of their parents with them while going through the wilderness of the unknown.

    *Some little boys like to know exactly how long something is going to take…exactly!

    *Angry Birds doesn’t help when you are in a lot of pain.


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *McDonalds dinner at midnight paired with McDonalds breakfast at 9am after basically NO SLEEP is really not the way you should live your life!

    *Maybe it is a good idea to keep a spare contacts case in your purse…ohhh, and a toothbrush…

    *the iPad purchase was really worth it…especially since the hospital has free WIFI


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *Big equipment is really great for finding really small stuff inside your body!

    *Kidney stones hurt a lot!

    *If you move your arm a lot and it has an IV in it, this machine will beep really loudly for a long time until a nice person comes and pushes a button that you could have pushed the whole time it was annoying you!


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *a couch in a hospital room will never be anywhere near as comfortable as a Tempurpedic bed…never!

    *no matter how fun a hospital sleep-over may sound, there will never be silence, therefore, no sleep.

    *even hospitals have spare toothbrushes.


It took me 20 hours to realize…

    *my girls really are the best little girlies in the world.

    *my son is a strong young man who can make it through most anything life throws at him!

    *God really is in control.

{photo taken by Mike Bernstein at Point Lobos, CA}

It took me 20 hours to realize what I’ve known all along:

    There’s really no place like home!!

~written by sally keller after spending 20 hours in Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, finding out that her 13yo son has/had a kidney stone! 

{all pics taken by Mr Gorgeous at Point Lobos, CA unless noted}

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