I loved today…
I loved it because I didn’t really have any responsibilities to take care of except to meet a friend at Claire’s so our daughters could get their ears pierced together. And I got to get my ear pierced again, and I picked up a couple of hats to emphasize my artistic nature…{adore}…
after!!! (can you see the little ball stud??? Emma took these pics with her iTouch)
I loved today…
I also loved cleaning/reorganizing my craft studio. I do this probably every two weeks to keep things flowing well! 🙂 And to get my projects in a row to get them done this coming year!!!
I loved today…
I loved just sitting around, first with my 8yo to watch Despicable Me…the first time for me…the 100th for her!! I loved sitting with Mr Gorgeous at dinner and talking over world issues and how we could improve them…okay, maybe we were just making googly eyes at each other, but it was still nice!! And I loved sitting behind my laptop playing with some new actions I got from Sarah’s (My Four Hens) facebook page!!
{My Four Hens’ Random Rocks actions}
I loved today…
I loved having the freedom tonight to start some business research…marketing, goal setting, photography, etc…I love business research. If I hadn’t had such a deep ingrained love for music, I might have gotten my MBA instead!!
Awesome community!! Check them out! (sidebar!!)
did I mention that I loved today?