Ohhhhh I have been reveling in blessings here lately!! I found that the key to reveling in blessings is finding them in the little things (or the big things!!)!


First off, our CD Release party was a success! Our concert was sooooo fun and full of jazzy improv – (yep, even yours truly did a little scat singing…i’m learning from my hero, Ella Fitzgerald!! yipeee!!); and we sold CDs – don’t fear…we have more!! If you want an actual CD, email me at sally AT sallysangelworks DOT com, and I’ll send you one (or two or three or four!!) – FREE SHIPPING!!! If you are more the iTunes type person, you can pick it up HERE-CLICK FOR your CHRISTMAS entertainment pleasure!

Second, last Friday night, I participated in one of the best craft shows of the season for me! The Sew Craftiest Party of the Year at the Holiday in the Heights party!! I joined up with a bunch of my Etsy Houston buddies and sold, sold, sold! How fun is that? 


One thing I love about craft shows is the feedback I get. What products are really embraced, what catches people’s attention, and what I definitely need to make more of!! I’m a OOAK (one of a kind) kind of crafter…I get bored easily…i love creating new! new what, you ask?…new everything!! LOL!! but one of the mechanisms I have to combating this feeling is to create the same products but use different fabrics…and the fabrics that are out there are soooo scrumptious! So one of the items that I really got a great response from was my owl (pattern from Bit of Whimsy Prims)! I’m sold out right now, but I’m thinking tomorrow will be an OWL Wednesday, for sure!! Check out Roxy’s sweet post on her blog about one of these little guys from my shop!


I’ll keep you posted as to when the new little owl family is in the shop!

Be sure and follow me on Twitter…I’m very vocal there about what’s goin’ on here!! teeheee!!

Now for a third blessing…

I’m now the proud owner of an iPad. It’s soooo fun!! I actually almost spontaneously combusted from technology overload this morning with my laptop, my sewing machine and my iPad all going!! LOL!! 

But one of the pleasures that I’m getting out of having one is what I tweeted about a while ago…”I think mr Gorgeous needs to get me an iPad so I can have something to use for an iPad sleeve pattern!!.” As it turns out, Mr Gorgeous can save his money for the DroidX that I want for Christmas, because i bought me an iPad AND…made me a sleeve for it!! yipeeee!! Wanna see how I did it??? (I’m gonna tell you even if you said no!! LOL!!)


I started with the iPad, some kids, some fabric, and the obligatory kitty in the craft studio…doesn’t everyone have one?


I was choosing between these two Riley Blake fabrics by Amanda Herring (her Sweet Divinity line! yummmmy!!) and I chose the flowery one! I’ll probably whip out another with the blue one…fabric addictions are so much better for you than drugs or alcohol, don’t you think?

I measured the iPad (9.5×7.5in) and added a little seam allowance with a little extra on the top to account for the zipper i put in, added the batting and cut both layers to size (21.5inx10in).

I started the quilting on the bottom crease that I made when folding the material longways. Then I quilted it with simple square quilting. Someday I’ll take a class in free motion quilting and I’ll be a natural at it!! (i think i can, i think i can!!)



you can click to make this pic bigger and see my fab quilting!! 🙂

So then I thought, ohhhh I need to make sure EVERYONE knows to whom this iPad belongs!! So I whipped out my tea-stained muslin, some red matching embroidery thread (my fave!) and got to embroidering!

I had to add buttons!! I’m a button-a-holic, too!!

I appliquéd the embroidery on the front of the case, then I added the zipper. I’ve learned through making little wristlets how to do this, so it wasn’t as intimidating as I thought it was going to be. Since I didn’t use lining on the inside, it actually was very fast!! 🙂

I sewed the sides together, turned it right side out and VOILA! I have an iPad cover!! yipeeeeee!!



(here my iPad is on my blog!! i love it!!)

Just remember, blessings abound when you look for them!!

Yesterday i was soooo thankful for wisdom that God continues to give me. Wisdom like the idea that when you manage your money correctly, you are blessed beyond what you can imagine!! Also, goal setting is soooo powerful! God honors us when we reach for a goal that He has put in our hearts! Sometimes I forget, but luckily, if I keep seeking Him first, He’ll keep reminding me!! ♥

Today I am thankful for Christmas time and the baby who is GOD WITH US, Emmanuel…powerful!!

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