Ohhhh I’m soooo thrilled to be participating in Jess Van Den’s (from Epheriell Designs) Creative Odyssey today!! This is a FUN Blog hop where over 40 bloggers are sharing their creative hopes and dreams for 2011!! I’m sharing today with my blog friend, Melanie over at Kimono Reincarnate! Yay Us!!!
So for me? I’m not really going to recite a long poem by Homer, although in two years I will make my three younger kids read it! (My oldest has already…twice!) But LOOK at that second definition! That is me to a tee!!! I am on a long series of creative adventures! And I can’t wait to see what 2011 brings!!
Here is my list of fun wanderings/adventures I am going to steer toward, though:
1. Seek HIM first!! This has always been my primary goal in life! As I chart out my pathway, creative and non-creative (is there really anything I do not creative? Even laundry should have something creative in it!!), His wisdom is the only way I can follow!
2. Write and perform lots more music!! I know as a band, Brazos River Turnaround, wants to kick it up a notch! And songwriting is an integral part of that! I personally want to do a lot more writing with Mr Gorgeous…he is a master of songwriting, and when his creativity rubs off on me, it’s amazing!!
3. I want to inspire hope through fiber arts!! I adore sewing, quilting, and especially embroidery! There is nothing better than a fun quote or scripture on a mini quilt on the wall to inspire you each day! And really, to do this, I am going to create something each day…a big project each week that I blog about! So fun!! (Be sure and join me on this journey by signing up for my newsletter! shameless plug there! you knew it was coming!!)
4. I just want to love more!!! I’m a big picture kinda person…I could list things like “use more buttons and lace and linen” or “blog every third day unless it snows”…but I’m the kind of person that embraces the WHOLE JOURNEY! I want to enjoy every single thing I do…and that comes from the LOVE that I am showered with and the THANKFULNESS that I have in my heart to my GOD for giving me all he’s blessed me with! And I intend on not squandering those blessings!!
Join me on this journey!! Stick with me through this long wandering adventure that will have hardships, but it will have more, many many more, high points!!
What are your creative aspirations for 2011? I’d love to hear here in the comments or a link to your blog with your list!! 🙂
Wanna read some other BLOGS on this journey? Yesterday’s featured BLOGS were 100th Gallery (oooooo I wish I lived near Melbourne!! I’d soooo get on that bandwagon!) and Blacksburg Belle (I was going to point out one particularly great post on her blog, but every single post gets me all revved up!! Check her out!!)
Oh, I just found your blog – love what you wrote and now I am following you! I hope you will come and follow me too! http://sewnso.blogspot.com
My plan too is to be more creative in 2011 specifically with creating more designs – both machine embroidery and in ePatterns!
Sally, your enthusiasm just jumps from the screen!!
Your number 4 goal I like – a lot 🙂
Off to find my copy of “The Odysssey” now. See if I can convince kids to read it with me!
Hello from your newest follower 🙂 Thanks so much and best of luck to you with all your exciting plans!
Loved reading that your a big picture person! Seems like you have so much inspiration and creativity it would be hard not to be -so looking forward to visiting again!
VERY cool post, and so interesting so see a very different creative path. 🙂 Good luck!
I like that you want to concentrate on the big picture – I am a person who gets bogged down in the little things and I should really take time to step back and look at the big picture.
I look forward to following your creative journey.
Great post, and what great creative goals you have set for 2011. I’m a fiber artists –can’t wait to see your weekly/daily projects 😉 Sounds like 2011 will be a fun ride.
Wonderful post… I hope the coming year brings you lots of love, faith and sewing.
Great to see you rocking the mike! Some awesome goals happening – and I love that you are blown away by enthusiasm 😀
These goals sound fabulous! I especially love that you’d like to sing more and love more – such a beautiful sentiment!
LOVE #4! Wishing you lots of LOVE, music and creativity in the new year. Much success 🙂