
Ohhhhhh we’ve been partying, shopping, flitting from here to there, celebrating and did I mention getting ready for the BIG day on Saturday?

One of my big values I try to live by is to enjoy every little piece of life I’m given! So on day 8 (ie…December 21st) it was my 19th wedding anniversary!! Mr Gorgeous is everything to me…and I’m excited to share a little of what went on that day…


First I had to do a little Christmas shopping and while doing it, I grabbed a little somethin somethin for Mr Gorgeous:


gotta love the sheep…and the handmade card! 🙂

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this is soooo us…playing duets on my iPad keyboard app!!

19 years, baby…and still making beautiful music together! LOL!!!


The afternoon was set to take the kids ice skating downtown at the outdoor rink…

even though the temperature in Houston has been hovering around the mid-70s, everyone had a really great time!! (except maybe my friend, Shirley, who fell avoiding a fallen child and hit her head hard enough for stitches, but no concussion…yikes!)

Here are some of my shots from downtown Houston!!

This was Lillian‘s first time on skates! It was quite the challenge and quite the victory!! (thanks mainly to Cora and Susanna!!)





It was definitely a very fun time!!

I met up with Mr Gorgeous and did a bunch of Christmas shopping…

and one of the things we bought was this series…


{pic from the BBC web site}

MI-5 (or in the UK, they call it “Spooks”)

we had to get season 5…so you know what we are doing with our spare time this holiday season! (btw, this was our anniversary present to each other, besides the chocolate he gave me (YUMMMMM) and the gin I gave him!! the perfect couple, for sure!!!)


DAY 9…

today’s escapade was a very favorite holiday tradition that I’ve not taken the time nor the money to do in a long time!!

Cora, Lillian, Oma Upton and I all went to the Nutcracker Ballet

at the Houston Ballet’s Wortham Theater


{pic from Houston Ballet’s Web Site} 

It was magical, wonderful, and full of the most gorgeous sets and music you’ve ever seen!! And the dancing was soooo great, also!! But those sets!! wow!!! 

I hope to take my whole fam next year! we’ll see…but it’ll be a tradition for me, at least!! 🙂

I’m off to watch a little MI-5, hug Mr Gorgeous, and make my last minute plans for tomorrow…

maybe we’ll read the Grinch and go and steal some presents…

or maybe not!!

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