Ohhhhh I am loving this holiday weekend. I keep being reminded of what pure awesomeness surrounds me!!
I have been researching styling. It has sooooo inspired me to just quit everything I’m doing and just play with my camera, my accessories, and my products. I spent all evening Friday repurposing a corner of my room where the natural light is exquisite. I did this to create a photography set. Here is the first iterations of this spot…
and here is my latest love…woodland scenes…
What do you think? How do you like to see products photographed? styled?
today is Sunday…one of my fave days of the week. And today I am continuing to celebrate what I am thankful for!! My family, my Mr Gorgeous, and all of the wonderful blessings my God has given to me!
Have you said “thanks” for your many blessings today??