so thankful today!!


Have you ever had one of those weeks where you keep a detailed list next to you at all times, so you can stay on schedule? ie…keep those plates spinning so that nothing gets broken…

Today I’ve actually crossed most everything off of my list of to-dos and as I reflect on this past week, I realize that I have seriously enjoyed every minute of it! Even with my wild schedule, my crazy daily to-do lists that make my darling friends sigh and sit down, I’ve embraced while doing! I’ve been grabbing moments of time during my week to just sit back and think, “I am loving this!!”


One of the aspects of this new business that I’ve embarked on (when does it stop being a “new” business? ’cause I’m milking it for all it’s worth!! LOL!!) is always praying for whoever buys/gets whatever it is I’m making. There is something uniquely amazing and soul-filling about putting the focus on someone else while creating! My darling friend, Krista, has 5 girlies who will all receive an advent calendar this year. And each of those girlies have been prayed for in the making of those calendars. What an heirloom for them! and what a blessing for me!! This prayer time keeps my focus on what’s important…and my heart and soul are thankful…truly thankful.


So I have two winners for the pumpkin giveaways!!

Denise, a newsletter subscriber won & Christine, a visitor to my Greatwood Gifts Galore show and new newsletter subscriber also won one!!


The moral of the story is…

subscribe to the newsletter!!

I’ll be giving away a sweet stuffed Owl at the next Craft show…

“A Country Affair”

at First UMC of Missouri City, November 13th – 10am-4pm

stay tuned for more details and great pics of new products I’m creating for that show!! 🙂 


Last week was Quilt Market here in Houston!!

Omygosh, it was sooo fun..such inspiration…such eye candy!!

And here are some pics of what I scammed at Sample Spree…yummy!!

Baaaaaabs, the scissor holder…{ADORE}

Doesn’t this quilt look like great fun??? I’m going to whip it out the week of Thanksgiving! YUMMMM!!

Deck the Walls by Sandra Workman

love the notions!! yay!!

Sweet Divinity by Amanda Herring for Riley Blake Designs

(click on her name for her booth pics! GORGEOUS!!!)

and Joanna’s new Buttercup fabric…holey moley…pure gorgeousness!!

Buttercup by Fig Tree & Co for Moda Fabrics

Click on the Fig Tree link to see her booth…ohhhhhh…pure eye candy!


As you can see, I was quite inspired by Quilt Market. So much so, that I took my girlies to Quilt Festival this week. They loved it, and they even learned a new technique, as did I!! Silk Screening!! sooo fun!

Check out Ginny Eckley’s site here! She has such gorgeous art, and such a sweet spirit. We loved meeting her today!


Be sure and sign up for the newsletter because huge amounts of fun is to be had! 🙂

…and tomorrow (Saturday, Nov 6th) is International Digital Scrapbooking Day!!

Stay tuned for a BLOG HOP fun-filled post late tonight (tomorrow!!)

with that, i’ll leave you with some of my latest digi pages…

for credits and other fun, check out my O-gallery here!

yup…I’m thankful!!

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