7 hours of waiting in lines
3.5 hours of testing
20 minutes of looking for parking places
3 counselors, 1 registrar, 4 other college office workers, 4 front desk people
two mini quilts completely embroidered
1 proud momma
1 16yo enrolled in a dual credit college class
too cute!! 🙂 (photo by studio R photos!!)
I’m getting over the fact that I’m old enough to have a high schooler in college!! teeeheeee!!! And she loves it, too…the class is good! yay! Go, Cora!!
So I’ve been creative every day since the last time I posted here! I didn’t take great pics YET, but they will be here soon!! I’m very excited about my new mini quilts…can’t wait to share!
I do have a couple of shots of a couple of sweet diaper cakes that I made for my darling sister-in-law. Can I tell you how excited I am about their expecting twin girlies!! 🙂 yipeeee!!!
and I had to try some other artistic outlets for the shower, too…so after my Emma (my mini Rachel Ray) made some sugar cookie dough, I created these fun cookies…no cookie cutter, just a template and some yummmmmy cookies!!
(my mom made the wonderful cookies in the top of the pic)
So I just have to share their web site, because these babies (due in Nov) are sweet miracles!! Check them out at http://uptontwins.com. I’m such a happy aunt!! yipeeee!!!
Stay tuned for some awesome pics of a bunch more creativity!!!
Are you being creative today??
Wow, you have had a busy week! Lovely things.