I’ve had a great time getting things going for my new Etsy store…I’m going to share some peeks of those fun things!!
It has been super fun to think up this post after being inspired by Kristal’s post here:
the RikRakStudio: My 10 Favorite Things
So here are my 10 favorite things today!!
1. breakfast: caffeinated coffee, homemade buttermilk biscuits (a la Pioneer Woman), and a good magazine!
2. a sweetie baby enjoying his first watermelon slice!
3. Fat Quarters…especially ones from Fig Tree & Co
4. Fun Yo-Yo makers…easy awesome Yo-yos!! love love love!!!
5. Collage canvases! Cathartic…(any more alliteration here?)
6. books that inspire my creativity!! these are sooo wonderful!!
7. Shopping at the quilt store…YUMMMMM!!!
8. Mod Podge…soooo awesome!!! yay!!!
9. Mr Gorgeous…you knew he’d be here in this list!! 🙂
Isn’t that Darth helmet the best???? LOL!!
Handmade Journal by thishandmadelife on Etsy
10. God is my fave!! (along with smiling!!)
Thanks for reading through this fun top ten post!! All pics are mine except the last one. I am excited to be crafting a gob more!! and working up this new store…
By the way, what do you think of my new header? I am totally adoring it, but you can tell me the truth!! teeheee…
Don’t forget to comment on my last post about “where I am”…you can win, win, win!! yipeeee!!
and thanks for supporting Sally’s Angelworks…