OHhhh I’m sooo excited to still be thankful!! It has gotten me through some rough spots in the last month and a half!!

Here’s today’s scripture…the last one that I’m posting, but I am starting a new challenge…check out the Oscraps Challenge forums to play along!!!


yay!!!! i have to say…just a little testimony…today i was a cranky mom…just didnt want to get up, didn’t want to think of everything i had to do, on and on…but I grabbed the guitar and started just randomly praising God!! kinda even wrote a song! love that!! then i did my bible study…you wouldn’t believe what happened!! I got happy…i mean it! really and truly at peace and smiley!! Ohhh the Word of God is one powerful living word!! 🙂 therefore, i will give thanks to my GOD and i’ll sing praises to you, Jesus!!! for sure!!

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