Here’s today’s post at…

whoa!!! 30 days!! I hope this has become a habit for you as it has for me!! thanks soooo much for joining in with me, girlies!! It means sooo much to me to have you guys standing with me in this. My favorite quote I’ve heard from several of you about this challenge is that it is a “lifeline”! It soooo is, and I’m sooo glad we have started this journey!!

Today’s quote is a wonderful scripture from the Message, which is the Bible in modern vernacular. This, to me, means that we should live a life of thanksgiving…love the word ‘spill’ here…that our lives are offerings of thanksgiving – it automatically just happens by how we are living! Ohhh love love love that!

Can’t wait to hear your gratitudes today!!! be sure and share them with everyone! we are sooo bolstered by everyone’s observations around their lives! it is an awesome thing!!!


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