I do! I am needing a real pick me up today! For some reason, I’m in that stage of a weight loss program that I just want to be bad!!! I want to eat all of the M&Ms in the house! I want to live on Tex-Mex! I want to lollygag in bed all day!!

But…I don’t…because the M&Ms aren’t worth ruining the feeling I have when i lose weight. The Tex-Mex, while it tastes great…uh…it’s not feeling so great afterwards!! and Lollygagging=Major Headache!!

Even though the initial feeling is BLISS…the long lasting feeling is that of regret, pain, and crankiness!! (don’t ask!!!) SO, I’ve decided to desire to be GOOD!!! I’m going to re-focus! Got any tips?? I could use them!!

Because I’d love to hear your ideas, I’m going to give away a FREE BELLA SCRAPS MAGAZINE for a random commenter who tells me their favorite “being good” tip! Just post your comments on this post and I’ll pick a random winner on this Friday, February 27th!!!

What’s Bella Scraps you ask? It is a FABULOUS magazine chock full of INSPIRATION!!! yay!!! Check it out here: http://bellascraps.com/shop/


I am excited to be on the Creative Team for this fabulous magazine! I even have a tutorial in this mag this month!! wooohooooOO!!! and I just have to say thanks to my girl, JODIE, for making the rawking WA for my tutorial in the mag!! yay!!! You can have it, too! Just click on her name for her BLOG and check out her newest wa!! yay!!!

I think I’m totally inspired now!! ohhhh…wait…I have to share a couple of my Bella Scraps LOs from previous mags!! here ya go!!


from December’s issue…using Holliewood Studios kit Celebrate!!


from Jan…Using Joe Designs’ kit Gift from Heaven


Things Called Love; Hearts Abound by Kitty

Designs. Alpha from Gift from Heaven by Joe

Designs. Staple from Michael by Vicki Stegall.

If you want to see more inspiration from this magazine, check it out…get yourself a copy!! and remember, leave me a tip in the comments here, and i’ll enter you in a drawing to win a FREE copy!! yay!!

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