I’m scrapping!!! i love it! i am really loving having prompts from Lain, loving having my creative juices going, loving being able to do paper or digital! I just need a couple more hours in the day! LOL!!
Here are the last 6 LOADs…enjoy!!
day 4:
even when I’m yelling, I still love them!! 🙂 I lifted this design from a LO in the Stampin’ Up! sale-a-bration catty!!
everything from Oscraps Feb collab XoXo at oscraps.com
Sue Cummings scrap apple inspirations week 18
AND Syrin’s Essential stiches2
Day 5:
ohhhhhh i am lovin’ this LO!!! Jodie made this FABulous wa and it perfectly described my jaunt to Paris!! woooohoooo!! (I actually had this in my flickr acct before midnight…but i totally forgot about adding it to the group! I’m a goofball!! it’s all good!! LOL!!)
Word Art from Jodie McNally’s On Holiday set!!!! yay!!!
everything from Parisian Holiday, Collab from Oscraps
Kitty Designs heart from her Cherish kit
swirl from Kim De Smet’s Fancy Swirls
Day 6:
ohhhh mr gorgeous!!!! *Sigh*
I used one word art three times, three pics and three elements (if you count the frame…which I do!! LOL!!) enjoy!!
journaling reads:
Ohhh Donnie,
you are so wonderful! I can’t
remember if you offered to
take their picture or if he
offered to take ours. Either
way, we all got our picture
taken in front of La Tour Eiffel!
I love being anywhere with you!!
Paris Dec 2008
Word Art is a FREEBIE on jodie McNally’s BLOG…go to jodiemcnally.com and get yours!!! 🙂
paper and charm from Parisian Holiday from Oscraps Collabs
frame and ribbon from Kitty Designs Cherish kit
Day 7:
Okay…so I was going to do a LO about how I really put my trust in the Lord, and I’m not really “scared” of anything…then I thought of my Paris book that is coming along swimmingly and remembered this incident!! heehee
everything from Parisian Holiday, an Oscraps Collab kit
Karah Fredricks September Fall alpha
Day 8:
ohhhhh a PAPER LO!!!…it’s actually a hybrid LO!
grid and papers on photo paper from Sue Cummings designs at Oscraps
everything else is Stampin’ Up!
except acrylic frame (from my stash) and it says “precious baby girl” on it 🙂
and today’s – Day 9:
here is my loved one…mr gorgeous at the top of the eiffel tower!…*sigh*
wa from Sue Cummings’ Happy Thoughts subscription
stitchy heart by Amber Clegg at Scrapartist
border from Sweet Genevieve Designs ColorSplash papers
everything else from XoXo, an Oscraps Collab
I love these LOs!! 🙂