********Read our annual Christmas letter HERE!!!********

Well, I’m back to posting everyday here on my BLOG!!! I think it’s important for us to journal, and to be a good steward with my scrapping money, I’m going to use my blog to journal!!

I also have started a LOAD challenge! (layout a day) I’m going to be scrapping a LO everyday using Sue Cummings “Happy Thoughts” word art and other fun stuff subscription! Here is today’s LO!


I still can’t believe we went to Paris, France four days ago! and I am in love with this man even more!! He is the most wonderful thing ever!!! Better than chocolate!! 🙂 This is my gratitude today…all for Mr Gorgeous. It doesn’t get any better than him!

Now I’m off to celebrate his father’s birthday right now!!! Happy birthday, Opa!! I’ll be back to share a couple more thoughts later tonight!

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