okay…so maybe Fry’s isn’t the fastest store, but it honors warranties! three hours (not consecutively!!) and three computers later, I’m at home with a loaner laptop, PSCS4 for 30 days, and a new learned skill of patience…well, maybe not quite that much patience…but I’m trying!!
So, as I learn to type on a new laptop, I rejoice in the life lessons I learned today! God always has blessings for us…we just have to see them! Even when we know we need to do something that isn’t easy, He gives us the strength we need to get through it!! Thank God!!!
Last night, I had a wonderful uplifting time with my girlfriends from church. One of my friends, Baci, who has been visiting from Australia and goes back on Mon *sob*, stayed the night last night! Ohhh we had such a great time talking by the fireside outside on the back porch! It was great!! I’ll post pics of us tomorrow while I’m digitally playing during the football games!! whoohooooo!!
So tonight, I’ll post my last two days of happy thoughts. I didn’t get online last night because of our playtime, but I did scrap this yesterday morning! So…I’ve been steadily scrapping a LO a day! yay!! I hope to keep it up for a while!! Here is yesterday’s Happy thot LO…
and today’s…I love this man!!!
So don’t forget to make your picks for tomorrow’s games…I’m rooting for the Steelers and the Eagles. If the Cardinals win, I won’t be sad! love Kurt Warner…I just have to be loyal to my guys, the Eagles!! 🙂