I am sooo delighted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I’m about to write our annual christmas letter and as I reflect back to this past year, I’m amazed at how fast it has gone by!! OHhhh slow down, time!! Let me savor you while I can!! 🙂
This afternoon I am getting on a plane with the love of my life and flitting off to Paris! He’s taking me on a romantic little two day, two night jaunt to what has been called the most romantic destination in all the earth! *sigh* Mr Gorgeous does not cease to amaze me. *double sigh*
Our Christmas Day was amazing! One of my favorite comments was Quentin’s after our stockings. We do those first…and he said, “this is the best Christmas and we haven’t even opened our gifts yet!!!” Gotta love a grateful heart!!
Okay…off to write our Christmas letter, then I have to pack…pack warm!! Did you know it’s 34 degrees F in Paris, France right now? yikes!!!!