life is really sweet right now!! I am savoring every little happening! Well, except maybe…nope, I’m cherishing the dishes, too!! Actually, I am cherishing my children that take care of the dishes for me, now! (I am doing all the handwashing, which means all the pots and pans! 🙂 )

It is wonderful to have Mr Gorgeous at home. It is wonderful to have four beautiful children who are learning leaps and bounds and are extremely social (in a good way!) and well behaved! It is wonderful to have a new business get off the ground with such a positive head start! It is wonderful to start the holiday season with a feeling of thankfulness and gratefulness. Everything is so much more vibrant! the colors, the smells, the tastes! Yes, I can’t wait to make my acorn squash soup and eat our wonderful turkey and dressing and cranfluff!! I can’t wait to play JINGO, a bingo-like game where you cover your square with the answer of the question that has to do with Thanksgiving!

But as I’m waiting for Thursday, I am reflecting on my gratitudes! And all of my grats are to God! He is my source and my salvation! He places the kings on their thrones and provides my next meal. As I lift up my eyes to the “hills” (could be hills of laundry…LOL!!), where does my help come from? From the Lord!! (He gave me four children to help fold those hills! LOL!!!) Ohhh life is sweet!!

and to reiterate just a bit…

day 22: I’m thankful for my sweet Emma. I know I did a blog tribute post to her, but I couldn’t help being thankful for her a little bit more! She is such a sweet heart and i love this pic I snagged of her!!


day 23: ohhhh I am thankful for Hearthstone Media! I am soooo excited about this CD and the coming CDs. Just as a back note, Mr Gorgeous and I sat down in one evening and just played together for several hours at the studio. This CD is the result! (there are many more hours spent by the wonderful voices who are reading the poetry! they are FAB, FAB, FAB!!) I can’t wait to share little clips next week! And I’m excited to say that I created all of the artwork using Carol Baumann’s digital designs! How fun is that?


day 24: Today! today is Saturday, and you know what that means in my house! Yep, football…the weekends in my house are exclusive to football…well, maybe not exclusive! I’m going to my first hockey game tonight!! heehee But here is my tribute to Quentin and his game today! IF (and when) we win this afternoon, we will be in the championship game, the Cotton Bowl! So, cheer us on… I’m totally excited…ohhhh i better go take my blood pressure pill now! hahaha!!!


BTW, this LO is for the CT challenge over at Sweet Genevieve Design’s CT BLOG! Come and play and get a FREE QP!!!

What are you thankful for this wonderful season???

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