I haven’t forgotten!! no I am grateful everyday!!! I just have been running around as a semi-single parent lately and when i sit to relax, I tend to scrap!! So yesterday I was soooo thankful I could scrap! and of course, being Friday, i was thankful that Mr Gorgeous came home…

so to commemorate both happenings, here is my LO: heehee


Today, I am thankful for friends! Friends I can sit down and talk to, whether it’s at a restaurant, or online, or just in my home…they make me a better person. Truly…it also gets my focus off of me! Which is a great thing when you are down…think about someone else! My pastor always says, just think of all the things you “don’t” have!! (like a big zit or a broken toe just to name a few!)…

So this tribute goes out to my friends…


Chris and i at the cozumel airport…

I love my friends, but i don’t seem to have very many pics with them…I’ll have to remedy that in the coming weeks!!

thanks,God for my dear dear friends!!!

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