I actually tried to post this morning on my mom’s computer, but something was going on with her cable internet…hmmmmmmmm…so it just solidifies my thankfulness for my computer even more!!!!
Yesterday, I got my laptop back from the repair shop! I was sooooooe excited, even after my hour wait to get the loaner back in and my laptop home with me!! And the best part is that after seeming like the hard drive crashed, every program is still here!! I have PSCS2 to scrap with, Microsoft Expression Web to create my web sites with, and the best of all, I can e-mail out again!! I wasn’t able to on my loaner!! ohhhhh it is the greatest thing!!!! I don’t usually take my “stuff” for granted, because i know how hard Donnie has worked and how hard I’ve worked to have nice things, but I am even more thankful for this machine now that I got everything back! I was fine if it had to be completely reformatted, since my gorgeous husband downloaded everything (by the grace of God) to our new HUGE EHD, but it didn’t need to be reformatted!! yayayayayaya!!!!!
Here’s my latest LO I got to do on my OWN laptop!
So that was yesterday’s gratitude!!
Today, I am thankful for my mother. She was holding Lillian this morning, and it was so sweet to see the two of them together!! She is the best Oma a kid could have!!! Last week, when we were in Cozumel, she got the kids on the Friday night. And she had a little treasure hunt for them. I saw the little slips she had up all over her house! it looked soooo fun!!! What a great OMA! Mom, if you’re reading this, you are one terrific, classy lady! and I’m proud to call ya Mom! love ya!!
Here’s a LO I did a couple of years ago for my mom…
enjoy!! and don’t forget to be grateful!!! It’s good for the soul!!
{click on the LOs to read the journaling!}
Your mom just rocks!!!
I love both of your lo’s too, just gor-jus!
Amazing layout Sally girl! Love this grat today. YAY for getting your computer back chickie!!!!
Thanks for this challenge – the attitude of gratitude. It’s helping my attitude so much. Just having to think of one thing per day…it’s been a good thing.
Thanks my friend.