Ohhhhhh today i am soooo thankful for my husband. Donnie is the reason I am doing this gratitude challenge!!! Everyday I thank God for such a magnificent man!! I can’t begin to find enough adjectives to describe that one!!! I’ll start with loving…I am his princess…he’s sacrificing soooo much for me and his wonderful kids! and Fun!! If you could have seen him in Cozumel – he was a dream…I loved showing him off to all of my friends!!

Yes, i am thankful for this sexy, marvelous, talented, committed man who is a bit cranky right now since it’s 1:30 in the morning here and he has to get up at 5am and I’m a bit loud with my typing! ohhhh yes, he’s a dream…

and here we are in Cozumel, right before we went shopping downtown in El Centro…


Thank you, God for giving me this wonderful man!

{He’s mine, girls…hands off…all mine!! heehee!!}

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