Sorry I haven't posted, but if you've watched any news of late, you know that life has been a bit crazy in the Houston area. Sometimes we need to put the computer down and live life! 🙂 as much as I love to scrap and sit and read blogs and just "hunker down", after Ike, all I wanted to do was clean out my house!! It was not damaged at all, unless you count the two bricks that had big wads removed along with the screws and boards that were in them! I'll take pics and post them VERY soon! 🙂

But as we started figuring out who needed help and what we needed to do, everything in my house that i totally did not LOVE needed to get out!!! 🙂 I still have my craft room to go through. It's been a dumping ground as I have been sorting through everything upstairs and in my room! I've already made one trip to the local women's shelter and I have a table full of stuff again!

Cora got her room painted on Saturday, our playroom got a makeover (still has toys that need to be given away! yikes!), and Quentin got a new room to share with some dear friends of ours while they are still struggling with power issues! It's a full house, but we love having them here with us. And we have a new dear friend from Russia who stayed out the hurricane with us. Her hotel got limited power back after the hurricane, but failed to get any water. So after a week of dealing with this, she came back to stay with us this last weekend. I've heard a rumor that she may be going back to the hotel because they finally got full power and water back, but my kids may not let her!!! 🙂

My family is doing well. My brother and sil still do not have power, but my mom does. So they are staying with her. Both of their work places now have power and everything, so they are working, but I have not heard about mom's work. (I need to call!! 🙂 ) My in-laws are getting back into the groove, too. They have a boarder from Scotland who is here working with Dad and our Russian friend, Nastya. So we'll see how the hotel issue goes.

Today, Cora and Emma are a bit under the weather….I think it's partying too hard with their cousins last night! We are praying for the Allegra to really take effect quickly!! We don't have any more time to lose in our school work. But Cora can do more in the next four days…we'll see.

And for some pics, I'll go download them now!!

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