OKAY…so you gotta join me in this challenge!! It’s Show and Tell time: (click on the AD to get to the challenge!)
Join us in showing off your favorite OScraps designs!!!
Here’s my LO for the challenge:
my journaling reads:
“His sheep follow him because
they know his voice.” I am a sheep…a loved one in the eyes of God. He loves me no matter
what my mood is, no matter what I’ve conquered or failed at, no matter what my hair looks like, no matter what words I’ve used, no matter what I am wearing; He loves me and I am a sheep in His fold…I am beautiful in His eyes … the only eyes that matter!
I was having a bad weekend right before I scrapped this last weekend! Sometimes we just need to let it all out on the page!!
Here’s another fun “me” LO that I did this week for the Bella Scraps font challenge:
And coming real soon is a new collab kit to Oscraps…I wanna give a sneak peek here on my BLOG, so I’m gonna!! While I was suffering this week with a horrible ear infection (which ended up in both ears, luckily not at its worst in both ears at the same time!!) I scrapped three LOs with this kit, but I’m only gonna share one right now!! LOL!!
Here are my two oldest at johnny Rockets on the first day of school!! and one more with a fun kit from Paislee Press and Leora Sanford calling {Fall}ing for Retro at Oscraps right now!!
the other three of us at Johnny Rockets!
It was a fun day on the first day of school!!!
Hope your weekend is smashing fun! I’m with my sweet sweet family right now watching Princess Bride! The greatest movie ever!! twue love!
ooo, I’m a sucker for a good challenge but I just can’t find the time to scrap these days. Maybe once I settle into mynew classes.