Yup…I’m 39…

I have to tell you the signifigance of this age. As I grew up, I was always compared to my father. My father had red hair…he had sparkly eyes…he was a whiz at math…he had freckles…he loved watching movies…and on and on…I was definitely his daughter. But at age 38, my father had a heart attack. Apparently, we found out later, it was very severe. At the age of 58, he died four days after undergoing heart surgery, because his heart was basically mush from that heart attack. I was two weeks away from my 21st birthday when he died. A few years later, I started having those thoughts that you have to capture and get rid of…thoughts of being “just like my father”.

And then I turned 38…that’s when the thoughts got louder and interrupted life. I had a bunch of experiences with God throughout the year that brought me to a place to not even think about my father’s heart attack – until last night. I realized that today I would be 39…past that age…home free!!! When we say, Great is Your Faithfulness, to the Lord, we are speaking a truth. God is faithful to keep us. He is able to make ALL GRACE abound to me!! that’s what His Word says!! And you know what? I am proof!!

so…I’m 39!! and happy…really happy…

here are a few shots from my birthday today!


My first gifts from oma K…(she said I was her fave daughter-in-law!! 🙂 yes, i am her only dil!!!) 🙂 Margarita body lotion!!!


my BFF and her kids made a cake for me!! (i feel really green!!! 🙂 )


and the back of it!! Impressive, huh?


me blowing the candles…Quentin is into taking pics from weird angles…gotta love that boy!! LOL!!


This is sooo cute, cora and susanna created “Pin the Tail on the Sheep” because I am a lover of sheep…I collect all types of sheep (save the real thing!! No room at the inn for a real one!! LOL!!), so this was really cute…even Oma U played!!! Aren’t you loving Lil’s bikini?


cora and susanna made dinner for me and the kids while Quentin and I were at football practice!! It was SOooooooooooooo Yummy!!!!


Right after we ate, we went to the coffee shop and got ice cream. Quent and I like the coffee drinks (thus why I’m still up at 12:44am!! LOL!!! CAFFEINE!!!)

So that’s today…there were other wonderful things…fun gifts, gobs of e-cards, a call from my dear friend Maggie in FLA, surprise visitors at my pool party this afternoon including my mom (who said I was her favorite 39yo!!), lots of love at oscraps (love my Ofam), several calls from dear friends…my life is abounding in grace!!!!

Thanks everyone for the LOVE today!!

I love you right back!!!

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