I scrapped a couple of LOs today…one for a challenge coming out Friday and one just for the BLog…just for fun! Even the LO is just fun…kinda extemporaneous…LOL!!!


So here was my experience today: {as copied from my Daily Os post}

Okay…I’m here…I spent from 8:50am until 2pm in a clinic in the med center watching Lillian take several developmental tests. It is a follow-up to her cooling blanket study she was in at birth…(see her site that desperately needs to be updated at www.lillianclar.com). so she was doing great and wonderful and the Psychologist finally said it was Mom’s turn. So I’m thinking he wants to ask me questions about lillian and her last 5 years and all…NO! He gives me the same type test!! A vocabulary test..ie…define car, define bird, what is a flashlight? and on and on…lillian had to define courage, i had to define rejoice…omgosh!! and that was on a very empty stomach with no brain cells left!!! then he gives me a picto-analogy test. uh, yeah…I haven’t eaten – i don’t really care what shape comes next!!! LOL!! and after it was all over he says, “you can call and get your results, or just hers (pointing to lillian)…you don’t have to get yours. I probably wouldn’t if I were doing the test!” I’m really thinking, did I do that badly???? goodness!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

Soooooo, Here are a couple of life updates!

*I am still doing the 21day challenge with food prep. So far, since i’ve been home I’ve only bought lunch for me and Lil out (today at 2pm…omgosh!!)…otherwise we have eaten at home. And I’m planning dinner BEFORE dinner!! whooohoooo!! that was my whole goal! To not be here at 8pm going, Who’s making dinner???? LOL!!! that is soo me.

*Monday I am starting Courtney Walsh’s The Artist’s Way group. I can’t wait. i love this book!! And I’m excited to incorporate music and scrapping and quilting and every part of art I love! yay!!

*I am sooo excited to announce that I am putting a bunch of rubber stamps on ebay and I will be donating 1$ per stamp set sold to Lyme Awareness in honor of my dear friend, Chris and her fam who are riddled with this nasty disease!!!!! You can actually get started helping out by buying her wonderful Lyme in the Coconut products!!

And yes, I am in process of school planning! can’t wait to start this wonderful year…I keep singing that song “Feelin’ Good” {my fave is sung by Michael Buble}. It’s a New Day, it’s a new life…Lalalalala~!!!!

Let me know what you think of the LO!!

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