Ohhhh I’m sooo loving this habit!! today I spent about 2 hours (with interruptions and kid noise and everything) just reading mags and studying some things online and just having a wonderful time thinking in my bedroom…my escape… I hope I’m not going too overboard!! LOL!!

I also got my dishes done, the kitchen picked up, AND I cooked dinner for my family and my inlaws and sil and her two girlies! AND we had leftovers. I was so proud. My timing worked out, too. I never time dinner right, but tonight it really worked out! LOL! So I’m thinking when you get yourself in order, everything else seems to fall into place! YAY!!

Keep on keepin’ on with your habits, girlies!! I’m here for ya…

and for a little eye candy…


this was for this week’s standing O scraplift. Come and play with us!!

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