OMgosh!! I skipped a day of BLOGGING!!! Omgosh!!

I’m here! I’m here!!

I’m excited about gobs going on here in my life!!! It’s kind of late right now, so I’ll save the long post for later! but I want to hear from you…what do you think of my new blog header??? I ammm soooo loving my tag line! I’m writing a song with the same title, so I’m reallly pumped with that!

Here are a couple of wonderful LOs that I can share with you featuring Joanne Brisebois’s and Kathryn Wilson’s Zen Garden, which you can pick up at Oscraps…go quickly over there now and get it…the store is closing for a short bit next week and you don’t want to miss any scrapping time with this kit!!!

My baby (oldest) girlie:


and my scripture memory for this week!!:


Have a wonderful day!!! don’t forget to breathe with HOPE!

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