
Here we are, on day two! Each day i will post a motivational quote to keep you going. All you have to do is, keep going! I know you can do it!! I had such a fabulous time yesterday, I can’t wait for this afternoon! (btw, I added flossing to my schedule, too…I made that a habit a while ago, but it somehow has gotten overlooked lately!)

If you find this challenge later in the week, please post here that you are playing anyway! There are three weeks of prizes, so you will not be left out!! Also, feel free to go to other’s BLOGs and give encouragement. We are on this journey together. That’s what makes it even easier! YAY!!!!

Don’t forget to post what you did today in the comments section of this post!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

(ps…all quotes are from…love that site!!)

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