We are cooking with gas now!!! Let me hear from you ladies!! Are you doing it? YES, You are!!! (in my best Bob, the Builder voice!)
Isn’t it fun to feel the habit forming? Where you don’t really have to think about it, but it just happens…if you’re not there yet, it’s okay. Purposefully plan it, and it will just happen soon! That is a habit!
Most importantly, Enjoy every moment you have been given!! You are doing this for you…enjoy the rewards!!
And don’t forget to post here so I can encourage you!!
I did really well the past 2 days! We went camping – here is a link to my blog where I spilled all the gory details. 😉
Hiya!! Had a horrible Migraine today but I didn’t fall off the wagon…yesterday I read and today I went for a walk 🙂 Having so much fun!! Toooot!
It is exciting that its becoming a habit! To day I did a lot of walking and a little weight lifting to tone!
Dang! I typed that last comment last night, but forgot about the security code! I had a migraine last night and obviously wasn’t thinking clearly!