
OOOOoooooooo, aren’t you just sitting on the edge of your chair waiting for today’s quote to come up? I’m a bit late today, but I am craving my alone time already!! But alas, it won’t happen until later. I’ll get a small snippet of time to steal away by myself after we have 11 children over to play in the pool this afternoon.

Right now, here, summer is in full swing with the Wii going loud and strong, the mowers outside at the neighbors as loud as can be, my children and their cousins arguing about who gets the last bite of chocolate muffin! But amidt this chaos, I am thankful…thankful for the time off of school, thankful for our cousins who have been here, thankful for my wonderful haven of a house. Every weekend I try and remember to thank my gorgeous husband for my house. It is an escape and a chore! But as I am developing my habit of stopping and seeking God, I have been seeing so many more blessings that otherwise I would have just missed in the busy-ness of life!

So, I encourage you to do something for yourself, even if it exercise or reading a new novel, or just stopping and thanking your Creator for blessing you beyond all reason! This is the time to grab hold of this journey and hang on! It’s an exciting ride…I’m loving every minute!!!

What are you doing for yourself today? Let me know!!

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