Well, Mr. Gorgeous got home last night from California. He leaves again tomorrow (which is really today!) I am trying to be strong. It’s amazing the strength God gives you when you ask. Sometimes I forget to ask. But we had a fabulous prayer meeting at church, and our pastor’s wife reminded me (and all of us) to remember to confess what we believe is going to happen. It works…think about it. Even if that something is bad, it’ll happen…so why confess the bad? Confess the blessings and they will come!! AND for me, the other verse that comes is Seek Ye First!! This is mighty important for me to remember!

Okay…enough preaching!! Here’s my LO for the day…okay…I did two while Mr Gorgeous was out doing the lawn and inside doing his work.



ohhhhh and one more…Krista and i did a power lift tonight…just a simple pretty LO…here’s my lift…


don’t forget to go to my gallery to see these fabulous designers credits and to leave me some loving!!! LOL!!

And we as a family went to Best Buy and bought the new Lifehouse CD and MG (mr gorgeous) got the first two seasons of Seinfeld…so now we are part of the pop culture! LOL!! He and his buddies believe that every moment in life can be reduced to a seinfeld episode. I probably will agree with him once I see all of them! LOL!!

Then we finished the afternoon with Prince Caspian! It was wonderful!! Even Lillian, who power napped a bit thru it, enjoyed it!!  then we came home and MG grilled fajitas and swam with the kids. Oh I love my family!!! they are gorgeous and wonderful!!

Tomorrow will be a quick one! I just hope to have it all together this week! I know I can do it!! LOL!!

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