I am loving all of the LOs in the desiger spotlight gallery at Oscraps!!!
Here are a couple of mine for this challenge. I still need to post them but what better place to start then here???
here ya go…
jouraling reads:
My sweet, sweet Emma…my third child. I am soooo thankful for you, my dear! I am so glad you were born, my darling. You know that you were a miracle yourself! I did have a baby in my tummy that should have been born at the time you were in my tummy. But God chose to take care of that baby himself, so that I could have you to take care of here on earth. And I am very thankful for you. Ohhh my darling, you have such potential for greatness! You are a winner! You can succeed at anything you put your mind to. Like this week’s gymnastics episode: You started the pre-team class. It was hard, really hard. I know you weren’t excited about the big class change, but what an opportunity to grow in something, to enhance the talents that God has given you! I know you will do great…and I’m glad you have decided to go ahead and go to three more classes. I think you will see that reaching for your goal is the best road to your success! Keep reaching, keep searching!! You will find what you are searching for, sweetie! God puts desires in your heart for you to realize. He wants an abundant life for you, my love, and part of that life is to go ahead and search. Remember that song we just sang on Sunday, “I Will Search” ? This is the desire of my heart, and it can be yours, too! As you learn more about God and how much he loves you, you will find just what you are searching for! And hun, you need to keep searching for HIM. Remember the Bible verse “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” When you search for Him, you will find him and that abundant life He promises you! Don’t ever stop seeking or searching…you will find Him! .
wow!! that’s a lot of journaling!! heh heh!
Here’s another one…a cropping one…
these two loves are both sooo gorgeous!! *sigh*
And for a bit of thinking fodder…
I was thinking while riding my bike yesterday that some situations need to be in small bites for me. For example, when thinking about riding my bike for 3.2 miles, I get intimidated. My bottom hurts just thinking about it. But when I think of just getting to the guard gate, then to the park, then to the gym, I know I can do it. It’s like these business trips Mr Gorgeous is on…I know I can make it til I see him TOMORROW night!! YAY!! then I will savor every moment that he is here. Come next Monday I will only have to miss him for 5 more days, then he is home for approx. two weeks!! (I think he is off to chicago for one of those weeks!!). But I will see him a LOT more during those two weeks. THEN I get to go to CA! that will be wonderful!! Kind of reminds me of Baby Steps…we can do anything in small portions. I choose not to be intimidated by the future!! It’s gonna be soooooo fun!!
Baby steps work great. Love the layouts! Thanks for the comment on my blog!