Here are some LOs to keep you busy!!! I’m regenerating after a wisdom tooth extraction…seems like I should have some wise saying to explain my absence, but since the “wisdom” is all gone, then it’s off to create and post my creations!!!

Atthealamo here the kids are at the alamo…

Lillianatthealamo Lil in front… heehee

Fivethings here’s one for Leah fung’s challenge over at Dragonflaire Studios!!

Happyemma this was for OScraps’ Oh Happy Day collab challenge!! kewl!!

and some altered quirky challenges…


Neverlookdown for the altered challenges at Scrapartist

and at Digital art quirks…my two quirkle challenges:



go to Digital Art Quirks to see a new way of looking at art and artists! I love it there!!

thanks for looking!!

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